Make Your Loved Ones Smile With A Custom Yard Greeting Sign


Celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, weddings, new baby homecomings, and more! Whatever you’re celebrating, say it in a way they’ll remember!

At BrightColorsYard, we love bringing joy and color to everyday life! Proudly serving The Woodlands, Spring, Conroe and surrounding areas.

yard greeting woodlands tx

Reasons to Celebrate


 Whatever the age, choosing a yard greeting to celebrate your loved one’s birthday is a sure way to create a memorable moment everyone will remember for the years to come!

Special Moments

Anniversary, New Baby, Graduation, We Appreciate You, Welcome Back, Get Well Soon, Wedding, Engagement, Retirement, and more!


Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, 4th of July, Veteran’s Day, Christmas, New Years’ Eve, and more. Whatever you celebrate, we’ve got you covered!

About US

A Family Affair

” We are two sisters who are passionate about celebrating all things friends and family! This passion birthed a desire to help families celebrate each other with a bright yard greeting. We believe that nothing touches a heart like a personalized message. Being residents of The Woodlands, TX for over 15 years, we strive to contribute to making it a happy community… and we do it one yard at a time! “

– Helen & Victoria



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